CIS145 Chapter Summaries
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Chapter 3 Summary:
This chapter was very interesting to me because it showed me that you can use operators in a search engine. Having taken programming classes before I was already familiar with certain operators such as AND and OR. It was refreshing to see a familiar programming language concept be applicable somewhere outside of programming. In the textbook I noticed that it mentioned that the AND operator is sort of implied. For example if I typed “Tiger Zoo Scandal” the search engine would only give me results that match each of those keywords, so it would be “Tiger AND Zoo AND Scandal”. (Tiger King reference, I saw a really good netflix special on that.) The NOT operator was another operator that intrigued me. I did not know that you could type “Giants -football” and the search engine would give you all results it could find relating to the keyword Giants that do NOT relate to football. Learning all of these hidden capabilities for something that I thought I already knew how to use excites me and makes me wonder what other capabilities I might be unaware of in the things that I use everyday. Overall I learned a lot from this chapter and the new insights that I gained from this chapter have changed the way I use and view my search engine. I will be sure to make use of the operators to optimize my search engine results in the future.